Monday, September 10, 2007

Tea Parties, Lancers, and Giant Bunnehs

Sir Tele got off of the ferry in Mayfair with Boanerges (love the Lancers uniform) and convinced me to go to the Steelhead Harvest Tea Party with him... It was quite good company...Miss Elvehjem, Mr. Eclipse, Lady Dia, Lady Darkling, Mr. Smashcan and Lady Amber...
Whose "Harvey" made an appearance...
Later, I stood at the Guvnah's Mansion and watched the parade of the Lancers go by. Yes, those gray persons normally look rather resplendent in their uniforms. Sir Hotspur saluted to Her Grace, Gloire Thibaud, Duchess of Caledon Middlesea--who was to my left--before they all proceeded to revelry in Loch Avie...
Ahh...Harvey on my Regency pier...I couldn't resist...

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