Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Spring-y Fun!

I was next door trying to get some RegencyFest things done when I got an IM from my next door neighbor Lady Shaylee asking me to come on over. I hopped over and who should I see, slowly swaying back and forth on a spring-y muppy but Sir Zen! Lady Shaylee produced a pig and an elephant and the spring-y fun began! Lady Shaylee got a little giddy like the rest of us...Soon we were joined by Miss Becky Book and Her Grace Kintyre. We had a good time laughing and talking. When I said I really should've been doing RegencyFest things, Zen said "You have to make time for play in SL sometimes." For a moment it got quiet as if all of us were looking at him like, Zen? Who said this and where is the Zen--one of the hardest working gents in SL --we know? "Well, who was the first one on the spring-y animal?" he said. Touche...
He helped Lady Shaylee to script the beautiful lantern that she will be using during her walking tour of Regency! Thank you for your help Sir! If you come to Regency, you'll have a chance to have a go on the spring-y animals yourself!

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