I thought I'd walk around the corner to Stormhold to visit the lair of the evil genius Dr. Obolensky. I was surprised that he was present and he was more than happy to give me a tour of his in-progress underwater lair:

After the doors closed and the lift took us down, I raised an eyebrow. "A submersible and a rocket sir?" I asked, looking at the plans on the wall. "Hmm..." He just twirled his mustache and let out a "Mwah ha HA" laugh. "Necessities, of course," he said. "Of
course," I said.

He then showed me the airlock, complete with exit for submersible. "But Doctor...do you have somewhere to put do-gooders when you capture them and a torture machine for them?" I asked. He stopped and looked at me, it being his turn to raise an eyebrow. "Yes, I know...I missed my calling as an evil genius," I said, laughing.

I headed over to the SkyBeam sim, where one of our other resident mad scientists, Mr. Dominic Webb, is working on his workshop location there. As his long-suffering assistant and erstwhile muse, I headed over there, where we came up with some ideas...

Ended up in Murdann with Otenth, where I brought him a sim-warming gift of some Straylight sunshine. We got comfortable in chairs in Ormsby Hall, where we had a great conversation about Caledon, writing, and things such as titles...For instance, I've
always had one given my parentage, but I've never chosen to use it, especially given the recent title boom. My sister Baube always wondered why, as she rather enjoys hers. I've always been respectful to those who choose to use theirs. In my case, no one's ever asked, and I've never really revealed my back story much anyway--just bits and pieces here and there. I promise that you'll find out more about me as you continue to read this journal...
*sighs* I fear my evil scientist half-sister has a crush on this cad. I noticed her swooning at the mere mention of his name yesterday. I also think she may have visited his Wellsian property in hopes of a meeting with him. I need to warn everyone about her. She is a danger to Caledon and the Grid at Large
Perhaps we need to compile a list of evil geniuses in Caledon. I suppose your sister would be on it as well.
The Insatiable Zoe Connolly: A warning to all in regards my half-sister Zabrina
Madam - Hear you've joined the Imperial Navy - May I me be the first to say "Congratulations, Boats"!
I'm afraid you'll have to add my father Jeremiah to that list..
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