Tuesday, October 2, 2007

From One Hull to Another...

Looking out of my third floor window at the lot across from mine, I could only let out an "Oh!" and hurried outside to investigate the strange build that loomed outside. It seems my neighbor Mr Sands is working on his Temporal Portation Vehicle Pressure Hull...what you and I might deem a time machine:I found the texture beautiful and teased that I would not touch it--as I've learned that is probably not something you wish to do with certain unusual builds. It did not stop me from flying up inside of it in the brand-new dress I created for a better look...
Afterwards, Dr. Mason invited me to dinner with him at Jagemeister Szondi's lovely Fortune Restaurant in the Cay, where I had the mushroom soup, Irish breads, Irish stew, and the lemon torte. If you have not been there, you really should! He has an amazing menu selection! Who knew Jagers could cook so well!
He poured me a glass of merlot and we had a wonderful time, ending up at the Wheel & Hub pub in Mayfair, where we talked and talked over shots of whisky. I had a great evening.

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