Sunday, September 9, 2007

So Much to See...So Much to Do!

One of the first events of the Caledon & Steelhead Harvest Festival was the Duke's invitation to come and fell trees at Caledon Murdann to help clear the land a bit. I decided to come away with a Murdann thorn tree (on the left), which grows nowhere else, and an aspen in full golden autumn foliage...Horsewoman that I am, I headed over to Steelhead for their horse race around town. I got hit by a lag spike and *gasp* lost control of Flashy--both of us careening into the water off of the first turn. I was appalled, but finished anyway. It was a lot of fun though and I hope they do it again. Afterwards, I decided to get lost in the corn maze...
Lady Edwina and I found this disgusting monstrosity floating above the road in Regency between her brownstone and the hospital. Thankfully, the Vicereine was able to come by and remove it. Ugh...
I've heard so much about Straylight that I had to explore and see it for myself...Gorgeous...I bought some sculpted water...
How do they do the sunbeams? Beautiful!!!

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