Sunday, November 25, 2007

Skeeter's Flight Log: Now THAT'S a Crash!

Last night I flew my Cubey Terra tiny-sized Cricket and went down in Middlesea's waters, my plane lost. This is the message I got telling me where it ended up:

Your object 'Eladrienne Laval's Terra Cricket 1.0' has been returned to your inventory lost and found folder by Mineralogical Society from parcel 'Cavorite Mines and Praeternatural Mineralogical Society' at Caledon Moors 58.9883, 253.743 due to parcel auto return.

Oh my!


Baron K. Wulfenbach said...

I have heard of people skipping stones across a pond, but this is the first I've heard of someone skipping a machine.

Fraulein, you may have set an intra-Caledon record for hardest crash.


Klaus Wulfenbach

Edwina Heron said...

Returned in one piece? Or are they still using magnets to collect the wreckage?

Gryffin Hax Jr. said...

Sr. used to wreck the boomslang all the time venturing into the south end of Caledon. Which explains why the Octopus Balloonship remains docked most of the time.