Saturday, July 28, 2007

SL Relay for Life Day 1: A Long Rewarding Road

I walked the track like a meditation labyrinth through the 32 sims, thinking about the past few months and hopeful for the future now...You just have to have a gigantic monster destroying a town just have to...
After almost 2 hours non-stop and non-crash , I finally made it back to the main Caledon campsite, where much "HOOOO!"ing and dancing was going on...I had seen some fantastic things. Some touching things the folks who were lined up along one sim saluting as I went past, or another where they cheered. I can only hope that others felt as good coming through the Caledon campsite to see all of us "Hoooo"ing like mad for them. To know that folks took the time to create all of this and come out, means so much. I needed a minute by myself when I first came back and then, all I wanted to do was strap on some ice skates and take a twirl on the ice. Mr. Margulis joined me, looking lovely in his not-so-secret Miranda Society uniform...
And of course later we raved into the night at Carntaigh! Miss Laval in the house! Here I am with the Tartans (Mr. Margulis, Mr. Drinkwater and Sir Zen) dancing with me...mind you, I didn't have my flaming torch yet and yes, it turned into one of those Caledon parties...What a day!

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