Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tiny Horsewolves of the Apocalypse

On a lark, Mr Goodliffe and I were dressed up as--yes--tiny horsewolves of the apocalypse, as it rather fit my mood tonight. He was "War" with his flaming sword, and yes, I was the Grim Reaper. We galloped through Caledon I howling. It was absurd and actually a great deal of fun...if anything, it put me in a better mood than I was in!


Edwina Heron said...

How soon she forgets. Lord and his war outfit. I guess someone is now a tiny HRHW (horse ridding hussy widow) Maybe when Lord is done saving the world, he'll return to ride out with you guys.

Eladrienne Laval said...

I actually didn't know that Lord has "War"! Puck owns them all, so Lord should definitely ride with us!

Tell Lord his HRH misses him! Haaaa!