Monday, December 3, 2007

A Hotspur Winter Moment...

Dia sent me a TP just saying, "You have to see this..." Upon my arrival at Polymath Upstairs, I could not help but notice the fun winter decor...and a snowman merrily skating. This special winter moment was brought to us by Hotspur O'Toole:Elle: I...can't stop staring at the little snowman going around us
Dia: me neither
Dia: hypnotic

Elle: He's so mesmerizing...

Dia: dreadfully so
Elle: I keep waiting for him to come back into view...


Kira said...

You've been tagged!!

8 random facts about yourself, tag 8 others---
have a great day!


Diamanda Gustafson said...

You have also been tagged from me!

Edwina Heron said...

triple tagged

you know the drill


CronoCloud said...

Ahh the little snowman, I love him so. he goes around and around and around.