Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Very Busy Elle...

I've been rather busy when I am inworld lately and that is good as it is keeping my mind off of my very good friend inworld Vittorio's RL serious car accident and hospitalization.

I am involved in the Rezzable Garden of NPIRL Delights, inspired by the painting by Hieronymous Bosch. When I was in Madrid, forget "Guernica", forget "Las Meninas" or Goya's "3rd of May" (all fantastic unto themselves btw)...El Bosco was who I wanted to see! My build is a true collaborative effort with Kheph, and we can't talk about it much or show build photos until after it opens on the 16th. This photo here is a recent meeting of many of the builders and collaborators.

Just trust me when I say this will be a spectacular, SL must-see event!

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