I am godawful at finding those rare flowers, but I enjoy participating in the hunts anyway, and the one held over the weekend at SteamSkyCity was a fun way to explore the sim (What IS the inky black? Where does that door lead to?)!

Merchants left eggs all over, some clearly so, and others quite cleverly disguised...

And during the hunt, I discovered hidden places I hadn't known about. At one point, I sat chatting with Mr D.Hax as I took a break. Kudos to the organizers and residents for a fun hunt!
The inky black was at the very bottom of the sea in steamsky city. It was a steambot brain av. It was one of the few that I actually found, and only because I knew there *had* to be one in the water.
Oh yes! I "braved the inky black" and found it. Definitely one of the more memorable egg finds for me!
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