Wednesday, February 18, 2009

E.Laval New Releases: Steelhead Sunrise & Tiny Steampunk Lady

One may have seen me wear this on my rez day recently, but I decided to go ahead and release Steelhead Sunrise for everyone to enjoy. Miss Riven Homewood, when it was mentioned in chat that I had made a Steelhead dress, asked if it was made of fish. Well, yes, actually. The pattern is scales in the lovely gradated colors of the skin of the Steelhead trout, which is also reflected in the texture of the corset waist. It is inspired by the Gardner worth, and comes with the corset waist, bodice, skirts, gloves, a golden-brown lace underskirt and bodice and dress frills...Now, I couldn't possibly release a Tiny Steampunk Gent ensemble without releasing a Tiny Steampunk Lady version to join in on the adventure! Both new outfits may be found at my shops in Caledon Regency, Steelhead City or via the aethernet at XStreet...


Andy said...

Alas, Miss Laval - I visited your Regency establishment and found neither tiny ensemble could be purchased as the mechanism for so doing was not functioning. No such prohibition was at work elsewhere in the store, I was happy to note!

I remain yours, etc
Random Merryman

Eladrienne Laval said...

Thank you for letting me know sir! The vendors are up and running fine now!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous dresses by the gorgeous and talented Elle! I love them!

Eladrienne Laval said...

Thank you Puck!

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