Friday, November 30, 2007

St. Andrews Day Events in Loch Avie

Today Caledon celebrated St Andrews Day in Loch Avie. That confounded Mr. Matova managed to pounce me during practice for the caber toss!There was a very good turnout and the Duke Regent Kintyre claimed the trophy...
Even George the wild haggis came out to watch!
Later, there was a tournament of champions in the sky arena with the duchies of Loch Avie (Col. O'Toole), Carntaigh (Lord Primbroke), Murdann (Lady Dia), Cymru (Lord Vid) and Kintyre (who was represented by a skilled drow fighter by the name of Alex Fitzsimmons) competing. The finals came down to Murdann and Kintyre...
With Kintyre winning the tourney. They were well-fought battles indeed!

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