Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Barristers Connolly, Laval & Pearse

Lord Primbroke got involved in a great discussion that Zoe and I were having about the latest lab declaration. While we do not believe that we aethernet journalers will be affected (hopefully), the policies are rather annoying just the same. As you can see, we are all dressed in our lawyer outfits (Lord Primbroke's barrister robes had not rezzed yet). I do believe that a law offices of Connolly & Laval advertisement would be run a bit like this:

"Are you worried that your 2nd Lyfe needs brand protection? Have questions about the latest "comply or cry" policies? We also handle tp crash and lag-related accident settlements, as well as damages related to inventory losses. The virtual world can be a confusing place and we can help YOU today...Contact Laval & Connolly LLP now! We'll get the job done!"

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